The consultancy services Hadimpro provides can be adopted at any stage of a project from FEED through engineering development to construction however, an early appointment would benefit the project and assist our client to achieve their objective of completion safely to budget and schedule. Our team of consultants and engineers provide practical solutions and construction techniques based on Hadimpro’s in-depth knowledge and considerable ‘hands-on’ experience of the (heavy) lifting, hoisting, rigging and specialised transport techniques, equipment, systems and contractors available globally. The consultancy services we provide are not limited to ‘Green-field’ sites, they are of equal benefit to ‘Brown-field’ sites in addition to Turn-Around/Shutdown projects. The work undertaken by the Hadimpro is not limited to office based desk study duties but continues to the construction phase by integrating into our client’s project team. Our objective is to assist in the development of operational planning, this being made as efficient as practicable, which has minimum risk of schedule overrun and maximises safety while complying with all relevant statutory regulations, engineering codes and good working practices.
A significant amount of Hadimpro’s appointments is the independent 3rd party technical audit (technical check and safety audit) of contractors’ (heavy) lifting, hoisting, rigging and specialised transport proposals. Not influenced by the potential preferences of any contractor and/or equipment supplier this particular service forms part of our client’s risk management strategy. Fulfilling our client’s duty of care and due diligence obligations that operations can be completed safely with minimum risk to personnel and plant. Acting on behalf of our client we undertake a comprehensive review and analysis of contractors’ proposed procedures and perform independent checks of the associated engineering and safety aspects thereby addressing any interfaces. This continues to the operational locations to monitor the contractors’ compliance with accepted procedures, providing a continual project assurance role. Our scrutiny of the technical proposals of contractors, designers and vendors, addressing any interfaces, ensures that all associated documentation are complimentary to each other and determines the viability of the proposed operations, when the pertinent information is accurately prepared.
The consultancy services and reviews that Hadimpro perform embrace each and every subject of “load movement” from vendor through to installation at your project site. Hadimpro’s (heavy) lifting, hoisting, rigging and specialised transport consultancy services include, but are not limited to the following:
Verification of engineering and design calculations for:
Lifting is an activity during which the load is lifted in a controlled and guided manner, normally spoken from the bottom of the load, e.g. by means of a Fork Lift Truck, screw jack, rack jack, hydraulic jack, toe jack, lifting bag, etc.
Moving a load horizontally, vertically or at other angles and possibly through different floor levels, by use of different lifting and hoisting equipment. Lifting and hoisting equipment being divided in lifting and hoisting appliances versus lifting and hoisting accessories.
Hoisting is an activity during which the load is suspended and hangs freely, e.g. by means of one or more crane, chain hoist, lever hoist, hoisting portal, beam clamp, winch, floating sheer leg, strand jack hoisting system, etc.
Transport of heavy, abnormal and oversized objects by means of specialised transport equipment such as Self Propelled Modular Transporters (so-called SPMT), conventional modular and multi axle transporters, skidding techniques, heavy industrial roller sets and heavy duty roller skates based on endless chain techniques.