Hadimpro offers (heavy) lifting, hoisting, rigging and specialised transport management services to clients in a wide variety of markets. Our team of highly trained and experienced specialists all have extensive experience in (heavy) lifting, hoisting, rigging and specialised transport. If you are short on resources in your project management department we can help you out on any project, be it onshore or offshore, be it big or small, just one heavy lift or all your lifting, hoisting, rigging and specialised transport operations of a full project.
Hadimpro recognise that no two lifts are the same and not every project can fit a standard mould. Employing a qualified management and engineering team Hadimpro can prepare and manage a heavy lift that will comply with all necessary certification requirements, regulations and legal requirements. Whatever management role needs to be filled: lifting project manager, lifting and rigging engineers, HSE specialists focussing on lifting, hoisting, rigging and transport, project consultants, you will find them in Hadimpro’s team. And in case you do not find them in our team, we will contract one through our manpower services department, having immediate access to well over 5.000 specialists across the globe. All of them are reference checked, identity checked, hold extensive experience in their specific functional roll and hold recognized qualifications that have been verified by our recruiting specialists.
If and when required we will supply qualified personnel for temporary assignments as Appointed Persons (Lifting Operations)- Persons In Charge, LOLER Focal Points and (heavy) Lift Supervisors both onshore and offshore internationally.
Hadimpro are specialists in large turnkey projects from both an operational and managerial perspective. Our dedicated global projects teams offer the very best solutions to our clients with multi-disciplinary requirements and provide the exceptional people and expertise necessary to address the unique challenges of major projects. Team members are specifically trained to deal with the different management and business processes that are required to successfully navigate these assignments; specifically the top- level project management skills needed for high value, long-term transportation and installation contracts involving numerous teams working together to deliver optimum value and efficiency. In addition we are accustomed to providing the significant human resource in HSQE, engineering, project management and supervision that is required to offer a full service solution to our clients
Absolute priority shall be given to managing safety related to (heavy) lifting, hoisting, rigging and specialised transport. We also manage the project planning process, all lifting and hoisting equipment, the personnel requirements and equipment logistics. We are experienced in preparing all the necessary project documentation, such as schedules, method statements, task risk assessments and HSE plans. We attend all relevant site meetings, organize the required equipment and personnel and, of course, keep a close eye on your budget. Method statements, route planning, road surveys, site surveys at various stages of construction progress. A full project team is nominated including an engineering team that takes care of drawing and critical aspects from a technical point of view. The method of statement must be implemented with dedicated parts concerning the criticality of the captioned pieces/cargo to be shipped.
Lifting is an activity during which the load is lifted in a controlled and guided manner, normally spoken from the bottom of the load, e.g. by means of a Fork Lift Truck, screw jack, rack jack, hydraulic jack, toe jack, lifting bag, etc.
Moving a load horizontally, vertically or at other angles and possibly through different floor levels, by use of different lifting and hoisting equipment. Lifting and hoisting equipment being divided in lifting and hoisting appliances versus lifting and hoisting accessories.
Hoisting is an activity during which the load is suspended and hangs freely, e.g. by means of one or more crane, chain hoist, lever hoist, hoisting portal, beam clamp, winch, floating sheer leg, strand jack hoisting system, etc.
Transport of heavy, abnormal and oversized objects by means of specialised transport equipment such as Self Propelled Modular Transporters (so-called SPMT), conventional modular and multi axle transporters, skidding techniques, heavy industrial roller sets and heavy duty roller skates based on endless chain techniques.