Hadimpro B.V.
Kokermolen 6 - unit 1.07
3994 DH Houten (Utrecht)
The Netherlands
T: +31-(0)30-6342078
F: +31-(0)30-6342079
Lifting is an activity during which the load is lifted in a controlled and guided manner, normally spoken from the bottom of the load, e.g. by means of a Fork Lift Truck, screw jack, rack jack, hydraulic jack, toe jack, lifting bag, etc.
Moving a load horizontally, vertically or at other angles and possibly through different floor levels, by use of different lifting and hoisting equipment. Lifting and hoisting equipment being divided in lifting and hoisting appliances versus lifting and hoisting accessories.
Hoisting is an activity during which the load is suspended and hangs freely, e.g. by means of one or more crane, chain hoist, lever hoist, hoisting portal, beam clamp, winch, floating sheer leg, strand jack hoisting system, etc.
Transport of heavy, abnormal and oversized objects by means of specialised transport equipment such as Self Propelled Modular Transporters (so-called SPMT), conventional modular and multi axle transporters, skidding techniques, heavy industrial roller sets and heavy duty roller skates based on endless chain techniques.