From the moment you contact us, our priority is to provide the best possible service and ensure that your needs and expectations are met. It is as important for us to understand your company and your goals as it is for you to be well informed on our approach and capabilities. Therefore, we aim to promote an open and efficient dialogue from the very inception of a project. This, to us, is the foundation of a good working relationship between any client and a service provider such as Hadimpro.
The Initial contact
The proposal stage
Once we have had an opportunity to assess your needs and if you wish to proceed in further discussions with Hadimpro, we will prepare a dedicated proposal, providing details of the task(s) involved, the scope, expected turnaround time and milestones, the level of support and the estimated cost. We recognise that the needs and budget of every client company are unique; therefore, we aim to submit a flexible, tailored solution to suit your specific requirements. The amount of input Hadimpro provides can vary enormously, from just several hour's consulting time on a specific issue to a project that requires us to manage your project from start to finish.
With a permanent team of professionals, supported by our recruitment and manpower services, we have the means to address unexpected issues that may arise during a project and to cover a significant change in the size of a project. The key to our success is always the use of all our specialists, all over the world, in an integrated way, where suitable, qualified and experienced members are part of our team. Our approach is characterized by enthusiasm, personal involvement and the willingness to take responsibility for the implementation and implementation of our advice.
Lifting is an activity during which the load is lifted in a controlled and guided manner, normally spoken from the bottom of the load, e.g. by means of a Fork Lift Truck, screw jack, rack jack, hydraulic jack, toe jack, lifting bag, etc.
Moving a load horizontally, vertically or at other angles and possibly through different floor levels, by use of different lifting and hoisting equipment. Lifting and hoisting equipment being divided in lifting and hoisting appliances versus lifting and hoisting accessories.
Hoisting is an activity during which the load is suspended and hangs freely, e.g. by means of one or more crane, chain hoist, lever hoist, hoisting portal, beam clamp, winch, floating sheer leg, strand jack hoisting system, etc.
Transport of heavy, abnormal and oversized objects by means of specialised transport equipment such as Self Propelled Modular Transporters (so-called SPMT), conventional modular and multi axle transporters, skidding techniques, heavy industrial roller sets and heavy duty roller skates based on endless chain techniques.